
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

In Severe Cold Eat Fish and Become Healthy

Ubqari Magazine - December 2013

The fish that comes down with the water from mountains, or that which comes out of fountains, is beneficial for ailments of the stomach. The fish of river is sweet and warm. It increases bile, reduces libido, brightens the complexion. By eating fish of the clean water black hair become white.

According to its temperament the fish is cold in its first level and it is moist in its second level. But some fish is also warm and dry. Thus, some fishes are warm and cold. And the fish on which salt has been applied & is dried is warm. Sanool and Rohu fish are also warm in their effect.

Mental Illnesses: Recent research has proven that fish is extremely beneficial for the brain and mind. It has three types of nutrients in it, which are called fatty acids. By eating fish mental illnesses are inhibited. It is beneficial in all sorts of depression. Other than this it strengthens the brain.

Medical Benefit: Fish grows the body. In hot tempered people it improves the libido. Produces milk and kidney fat. Fish is beneficial for sill, tuberculosis, dry cough, weakness of the kidneys, liver, dysentery and hepatitis. It clears the voice. Its curry removes the toxicities of medicines and animals. And specially, fish increases thirst. Vinegar removes it sourness. And after eating fish, eating a little bit of dry ginger removes thirst. Drinking water over fish is dangerous. Eating fish with milk, egg or with any meat is injurious. If the fish has been kept for a few days and eaten, it can create problems for the intestines. Kebabs of fresh fish, baked on fire are better because, they are not tough on the stomach. For dry and hot tempered people and for the young fish of sweet water is beneficial. It produces clean blood. It removes dirt and filth from the stomach and strengthens it. The fish on which flour or salt have been applied and fried fish are easy to digest. It does not harm people who live near the ocean. neither does it produce any illness in them. By drinking the curry of fish the sores of the stomach are healed. By burning and applying it it removes the signs of bars. By opening up an alive fish and tying it up the harmful material in the chest come close to the skin. Put fresh fish on fire when its moisture drops, collect it. Dip it in the ear in the morning for three days. No matter how severe the pain is, it will finish.

According to the physicians, fish is good for libido. Provides strength to the muscles. Produces phlegm and bile. Removes gastric. Some physicians say that all sorts of fish removes the phlegm and is delicious. It is effective and sweet. removes the illnesses of the eyes. It helps in starting urination. Keeps the temperament happy. Improves digestion. It is beneficial in nausea. According to some, the fish from wells improves libido. Fish from the pond creates obesity. It strengthens the muscles. Fish removes poison and phlegm and bid. The fish that comes down with the water from mountains, or that which comes out of fountains, is beneficial for ailments of the stomach. The fish of river is sweet and warm. It increases bile, reduces libido, brightens the complexion. By eating fish of the clean water black hair become white. Very small fish is strengthening. It creates hunger, removes cough.

Fish Oil: Fish oil is of many types. The best of those is the one which comes from the liver of Cod type of fish with the help of heat, which is not higher than 180 degrees. This is slight yellow oil. Its taste and odor are those of fish.

Medical Benefits: It nourishes the body and provides nutrition. Its use in the illness of sill is very beneficial. By giving it to an extremely week and old patient, he/she gains weight quickly. The blood becomes red. Other than that it is useful for illnesses of the eyes. In Khanaazeer (crewels) drinking 15 drops of fish along with water is beneficial. If the tonsils are not chronic they also dissolve. In old , hard and severe skin illnesses it use is also beneficial. It is used after diet. It has vitamins A and D in it, which are beneficial for illnesses of eyes and the skin.

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